Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Episode Elevensie - Summer Lovin'!

On this very special episode of The Internet is Ruining my Subculture, Megan P.I. and Emsie pay tribute to America's fallen hero, Jeff Conway.

Then hijinks ensue and they read from some fan fiction works-in-progress, including a saucy George Michael and Andrew Ridgely pirate fic sent in by "anonymous" (no, not Anonymous though OMG how sweet would some Wham/Anonymous slashfic be?)

Megan ponders why no one ever told her that Doctor Who is, like, SO good and Emsie waxes philosophical about her favorite personality types evar.

The mood gets somber again as for the first time ever Emsie and Megan pair up for a dramatic reading of the great duet classic "Summer Lovin'".

Because of the low amount of expletive-laden rants, this would be an excellent episode to introduce to your grandma to get her "hip" to the podcasting scene!

Download Episode Elevensie here!

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Emsie and Megan prepare to record Episode 11.

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