Monday, August 8, 2011

Episode Twelve - Born To Roll!

Kevin visited all the way from super-sunny Arizona to sit down to discuss Harry Potter, Pokemon, old school video games, and cult films.

Also in this episode:

- The Shopping Cart Situation
- The Forty Cheeseburger Fiasco
- The Vince's Spaghetti Incident
(Does Kevin have any stories that don't end in a debacle?)
- Kevin, Aaron, Sandra, and Ann Marie discuss ultimate zombie killing weapons - a debate as old as time
- More Hypertheticals, including why you wouldn't want to end up in a "Freaky Friday" situation with Kevin
- What boys do at slumber parties
- "Crucify me in Gravel"
- "Gulping Whiskey"

Download Episode Twelve!

Picnic in the park before the podcast! From left to right: Kevin, Aaron, Megan, Sandra, AnnMarie

Referenced in this episode:
A very moving documentary short about the lengths one will go to for something they believe in.

K Meets Condom by Outcry Productions

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Episode Elevensie - Summer Lovin'!

On this very special episode of The Internet is Ruining my Subculture, Megan P.I. and Emsie pay tribute to America's fallen hero, Jeff Conway.

Then hijinks ensue and they read from some fan fiction works-in-progress, including a saucy George Michael and Andrew Ridgely pirate fic sent in by "anonymous" (no, not Anonymous though OMG how sweet would some Wham/Anonymous slashfic be?)

Megan ponders why no one ever told her that Doctor Who is, like, SO good and Emsie waxes philosophical about her favorite personality types evar.

The mood gets somber again as for the first time ever Emsie and Megan pair up for a dramatic reading of the great duet classic "Summer Lovin'".

Because of the low amount of expletive-laden rants, this would be an excellent episode to introduce to your grandma to get her "hip" to the podcasting scene!

Download Episode Elevensie here!

Subscribe: RSS Feed and iTunes.

Emsie and Megan prepare to record Episode 11.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Mom is Ruining My Subculture Momcast!

My Mom is Ruining My Subculture Momcast

On this very special episode of The Internet is Ruining my Subculture, Megan and her mom sit down on Mother's Day to talk about comedy!

My mom talks about her seedy teenage past, hanging around comedy clubs while drinking apple cider. Which gigantor actor from Everybody Loves Raymond sarcastically called my mom a princess? When Blue Collar Comedy just isn't enough anymore, which up-and-coming stand-ups should you watch?

Intro/outro is "What a Fool Believes" as covered by Self

Download Episode Momcast here!

RSS Feed and iTunes.

Mom and I getting ready to head to the Improv!

Referenced in this episode:

My mom's recommendations:
Bobby Collins
John Heffren
John Pinette
John Caparullo
Frank Frosty and Heidi
Adam Carolla

Megan's Recommendations:, et al.
and many many more.

And some people we can both agree upon:
Ian Bagg

Monday, May 2, 2011

Episode Number Nine - Episode Wham!

Straight outta Wham!Con!

On this very special episode of The Internet is Ruining my Subculture, Emsie and Megan just got back from Wham!Con 25 at the Rancho Cucamonga Senior Center, and boy do they have stories to tell!

-Andrew Ridgeley factoids
-Our Wham!zine Fanzine against Sad Boys Fanzine
-The hotly debated "The Denim Years" E.P. - Fact or Fiction?
-The seedy side of the Wham!fan subculture
-Replicating Wham's classic couture
-A dramatic reading from a very famous scientist!

Intro is "Bad Boys"/Outro is "Club Tropicana" both by Wham!

Download Episode Wham! here!

RSS Feed and iTunes.

Megan and Emily at Wham!Con 2011

Referenced in this episode:

Scan of the cover of the Denim Years E.P. What do you think? Legit?

Our hand-screened Wham shirts. Sold out within two hours!:

Classic fashion (Wham fan art courtesy of Jared "The World's Greatest Actor" from Sad Boys Fanzine):

Although there are many super sweet videos, this is one of our favorites:

And last, but certainly not least, we present to you the greatest Wham photo EVAR:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Internets fixed.

FYI, the RSS and iTunes feed has been fixed!

Please enjoy this complimentary photo of some glorious stallions:

The Majesty.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Episode Eight - Snooooozeville!

Episode Eight! - "Snoooooozeville!"

Today we learn:
-The reasons for Scottrik's absence
-Fidel is terribly bored
-Who snores loudest?
-How we do Saturday, 11PM

-Are air quotes pretentious or just laaaaaaame?
-Scott's terrible sex addiction
-Hookers and blow galore!
-Let's go to Canada to see a movie!
-Words of wisdom from Scottrik, Chris, and Megan
-Snooooooooooooozes from Fidel

Download Episode 8!

Subscribe: RSS Feed and iTunes.

Counterclockwise from top: Scottrik, Megan, Chris, Fidel

Intro/Outro is "Better" by Square

Thanks for listening!

P.S. Please disregard everything mentioned in this episode.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Episode Double 0 Seven!

Episode Double 0 Seven! - "Love Lift Us Up Where We Blog"

Today we learn:
-Emily has a dark pageant past
-Megan has a dark broadcasting school past
-They both have a dark gangsta past
-Who Emily's oldest and dearest celebrity friend is

-A SRSLY IRL scary moment in apartment living
-Exclusive behind-the-scenes look at podcasting
-Today is Friday, Friday
-Ghost Bro, ghost! Ghost Adventurer Hour with Megan and Emily
-The correct spelling of the word "pants" (spoiler, it's not "P-A-N-T-S"!)
-A dramatic reading of the greatest banana phone-related song!

Download Episode 7!

Subscribe: RSS Feed and iTunes.

Emily and Megan getting ready to record.

Referenced in this episode:

BANANARCHY! by Mitch Clem

Bananaphone by Raffi.

Bad Fan Fiction Idea generator

Thanks for listening!

P.S. Pretty sure I suck at the new audio set-up. It'll get better.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

High fives!

So I just wanted to give whomever found this site using the keywords "rule 34 scott stapp" a high five.

Then, I wanted to take back that high five from whomever found this site using the keywords "rule 34 scott stapp" because really? Really?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Episode Six!

Episode six with Megan P.I., Emsie Hammer, Aaron, and Scott, Esquire!

Today we learn:
- Who are Emsie's favorite creepsters?
- How to bring World Peace
- Scott is a big fan of Bryan Adams
- To blame it on the rain
- Aaron is the premiere Megatron fan-fic writer
- The real names of the Aristocats
- The proper way to cook an Ewok


- Lessons in netspeak
- Mad props for Bryan Adams!
- America's Prisoners Got Talent!
- Aaron sullies the good name of Reading Rainbow
- Aloysious Manzella, where are you?!
- World's greatest Chuck Klosterman impersonation!

Music used in this episode by Kevin MacLeod.

Download Episode 6!

Subscribe: RSS Feed and iTunes.

From right to left: Megan, Scott, Emily, and Aaron.

And seriously Al Manzella, if you're out there, email us.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Episode five!

Episode five with Megan P.I., Lou, and Scottrik, Esquire!

Today we learn:

-This sound quality of this podcast is abominable!
-Warhammer explained!
-Gundams explained!
-Lou and Scott fight like a married couple!
-Scott hates NPH! D:
-And then Scott loves NPH! :D!


-Is Lou a super spy?
-Is Lou's dad really Indiana Jones?
-Warning: Moby Dick spoilers ahead!
-Blank White Cards explained!
-Scott's very special New Year's resolution.
-Yet another round of Chuck Klosterman's Hypertheticals

Download Episode 5!

Episode intro is "Mariachi Snooze" by Kevin MacLeod.

Mentioned in this episode:
Lou's site isn't up yet, but I scrounged up a few photos of his work:

Custom-painted miniature

Lord Raptor

Dark Night Gundam

Learn more about Blank White Cards.

From left to right: Scott, Megan, Lou

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Internet is Ruining My About Page!

Hola friends!

Just so you know, there is now a page called The Internet is Ruining My About Page!. It's your chance to get to know your favorite Subcast-type person (now with moar sparkle!!). You can always find the permanent link at the top of the blog.
Also in your heart.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Episode 4!

Episode four with Megan P.I. and Aaron!

Today we learn:

-Aaron is a priest at the altar of the live metal show!
-Russel Brand is not amusing!
-In a parallel world, Aaron would be the BIGGEST REO Speedwagon fan!
-Aaron would not allow his soulmate's collarbones to be broken!


-The show that got away!
-The Eagles mysteriously grow wings!
-World's Greatest Scott Stapp impersonation
-If we hate Creed so much, why do we mention them so often?
-a round of Chuck Klosterman's Hypertheticals

Download Episode 4!

Mentioned in this episode:
Well, ok, there were many many bands listed. These are a couple of the less obvious musicians Aaron talks about:

Joel Ceballos
Brother Daniel

As always, find Aaron at After the Fall.

From left to right: Megan, Aaron, Sandra


Everyone at the Subcast (we're cool, so we have nicknames for everything) simply ADORES iTunes. We find nothing wrong at all with the usability of all Apple products and software. Therefore, of course we had to show our gratitude to Apple by allowing them to host our feed! You may now choose to subscribe to the Subcast through the 'Tunes. In doing so you can automatically sync new episodes right into your iPod (or generic non-denominational MP3 player)! I know. I know! So exciting.

Please go here to Subscribe! Thank you, iTunes citizen!