Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Episode Six!

Episode six with Megan P.I., Emsie Hammer, Aaron, and Scott, Esquire!

Today we learn:
- Who are Emsie's favorite creepsters?
- How to bring World Peace
- Scott is a big fan of Bryan Adams
- To blame it on the rain
- Aaron is the premiere Megatron fan-fic writer
- The real names of the Aristocats
- The proper way to cook an Ewok


- Lessons in netspeak
- Mad props for Bryan Adams!
- America's Prisoners Got Talent!
- Aaron sullies the good name of Reading Rainbow
- Aloysious Manzella, where are you?!
- World's greatest Chuck Klosterman impersonation!

Music used in this episode by Kevin MacLeod.

Download Episode 6!

Subscribe: RSS Feed and iTunes.

From right to left: Megan, Scott, Emily, and Aaron.

And seriously Al Manzella, if you're out there, email us.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Episode five!

Episode five with Megan P.I., Lou, and Scottrik, Esquire!

Today we learn:

-This sound quality of this podcast is abominable!
-Warhammer explained!
-Gundams explained!
-Lou and Scott fight like a married couple!
-Scott hates NPH! D:
-And then Scott loves NPH! :D!


-Is Lou a super spy?
-Is Lou's dad really Indiana Jones?
-Warning: Moby Dick spoilers ahead!
-Blank White Cards explained!
-Scott's very special New Year's resolution.
-Yet another round of Chuck Klosterman's Hypertheticals

Download Episode 5!

Episode intro is "Mariachi Snooze" by Kevin MacLeod.

Mentioned in this episode:
Lou's site isn't up yet, but I scrounged up a few photos of his work:

Custom-painted miniature

Lord Raptor

Dark Night Gundam

Learn more about Blank White Cards.

From left to right: Scott, Megan, Lou