Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Internet is Ruining My About Page!

Hola friends!

Just so you know, there is now a page called The Internet is Ruining My About Page!. It's your chance to get to know your favorite Subcast-type person (now with moar sparkle!!). You can always find the permanent link at the top of the blog.
Also in your heart.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Episode 4!

Episode four with Megan P.I. and Aaron!

Today we learn:

-Aaron is a priest at the altar of the live metal show!
-Russel Brand is not amusing!
-In a parallel world, Aaron would be the BIGGEST REO Speedwagon fan!
-Aaron would not allow his soulmate's collarbones to be broken!


-The show that got away!
-The Eagles mysteriously grow wings!
-World's Greatest Scott Stapp impersonation
-If we hate Creed so much, why do we mention them so often?
-a round of Chuck Klosterman's Hypertheticals

Download Episode 4!

Mentioned in this episode:
Well, ok, there were many many bands listed. These are a couple of the less obvious musicians Aaron talks about:

Joel Ceballos
Brother Daniel

As always, find Aaron at After the Fall.

From left to right: Megan, Aaron, Sandra


Everyone at the Subcast (we're cool, so we have nicknames for everything) simply ADORES iTunes. We find nothing wrong at all with the usability of all Apple products and software. Therefore, of course we had to show our gratitude to Apple by allowing them to host our feed! You may now choose to subscribe to the Subcast through the 'Tunes. In doing so you can automatically sync new episodes right into your iPod (or generic non-denominational MP3 player)! I know. I know! So exciting.

Please go here to Subscribe! Thank you, iTunes citizen!